In a portrait painting class I took recently with Pam Wenger, she had us paint from a photograph she had found on the internet which she named “Mary.” Pam taught us to put color into unexpected places, like Mary’s hair.

In a portrait painting class I took recently with Pam Wenger, she had us paint from a photograph she had found on the internet which she named “Mary.” Pam taught us to put color into unexpected places, like Mary’s hair.
Our mini-goldendoodle Samantha is eight months old, and nearly full-grown at 34 pounds. Here’s my watercolor of her lying on our wood floor.
And Sammie in real life.
I don’t really “get” cubism. Is it just taking objects and moving them around (upside down, side to side, etc.) in the picture plane? Here’s my jar of brushes with things turned different ways, a bit crooked, etc.
Aren’t reds and oranges with turquoise a delicious combination?