My painting was inspired by a visit a couple of weeks ago to the Maine coast, and by a painting at the Portland Museum of Art. And last week Bruce and I were blessed to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.

My painting was inspired by a visit a couple of weeks ago to the Maine coast, and by a painting at the Portland Museum of Art. And last week Bruce and I were blessed to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.
Like general stores in many small towns, Willey’s is the heartbeat of Greensboro, Vermont, where our summer cottage is located. At Willey’s you can find just about anything — groceries, hardware, housewares, clothes and shoes. But if you gossip about someone at checkout, be warned that their cousin may be standing behind you in line. I was commissioned to make a painting of the store; they printed my painting on t-shirts, which are worn here by my cousins Bliss and Alan and me.
Buoys are painted different colors and patterns to show where the nets or traps are and to whom they belong. I’m on a learning curve with acrylics, which is fun and challenging.
We are celebrating our “50th anniversary honeymoon” on the coast of Maine. Here is my sketch of the famous Footbridge, first built in 1901, crossing Boothbay Harbor.