Welcome to Fall!

Following the seasons, we left our unheated northern Vermont cottage, stopped in Boston to see old friends and neighbors, and returned to our new home in North Carolina, where it’s no longer in the 90’s every day. 

In Chapel Hill, whether you’re a grad student with a laptop or a woman with a sketchbook, one idyllic place to spend an hour is outside Weaver Street Market.

What is This?

The connection between reality and abstraction is interesting, don’t you think? Often all it takes is to zoom in the camera lens, or crop a photo until you start to see patterns rather than just objects.

Bikes abstracted, watercolor, 9″ x 12″, $150.

Native Flowers

Remember when you were a kid, and your parents had to stop the car to clean the bugs off the windshield? Does that happen to you anymore? Our insect populations are collapsing because we are covering our land with hybridized and imported plants our insects weren’t evolved to eat. Since we depend heavily on insect pollination for food, this threatens what we eat. Here’s an ode to reducing our lawns, no more pesticides, and planting native pollinating plants.

6″ x 6″ board, acrylic paint, pastels and water-soluble crayons. $100