
Our Farmer’s Market is starting to sell zinnias in many colors. I began to paint these from the standard side view of the tops of the flowers, the stems and the vase. But that didn’t show much of the flowers so I switched to an aerial view. Isn’t it amazing how intricate and almost mathematical the petals are?

The Many Greens of Spring

Look out your window right now. How many greens do you see? It’s a challenge for painters to portray the many greens of nature: new leaves, mature leaves, evergreen trees, deciduous trees, all sorts of plants, fields, lawns, the effects of light and shade, and more.

Here’s a landscape of patchwork greens followed by a green color chart.

A Medley of Reds

This started with three shades of red acrylic paint (magenta, alizarin crimson and cadmium red) on paper. I made different rectangles, combining reds and diluting some with white. At the end I added some green and white colored pencil. No plan, just following what looked appealing at the moment.