Coffee Shop Sketching

The contemporary coffee shop is one of the best inventions of the 21st century, don’t you think? Dozens of people sipping lattes while working on their laptops, reading and chatting. This week’s sketch is of a guy sitting at the table next to me. His shirt wasn’t actually orange, and there were no paintings on the wall, but hey, this is sketching, not photography. Do you notice the “lost edge” on his face? Lost edges allow us to use our imagination to fill in the rest.

Portraits for Voting Fairness

Looking for ways to fight voter intimidation in November’s election? I’m commissioning pet portraits (election sale $250 just $195) so you can do just that in the critical swing state of North Carolina. I will donate 100% of proceeds to NC Black Alliance, which stands up to groups who are notorious for their scare tactics. The white supremacist Proud Boys and Oathkeepers park big pickups with racks of guns near the polls, and engage in hate speech to scare Black voters away. Examples of pet portraits are here; reply if you’re interested.

Summer in the City

The art of James Rizzi (1950-2011), which I recently discovered among some used art books, is fanciful and reminiscent of the “Where’s Waldo?” books. It looks fun so I decided to try the style.

$100 original 9″ x 12″ watercolor, 100% to register voters in marginalized communities.