My Meditation Altar

For the last seven years, I’ve meditated almost every morning for ten minutes, using an app on my phone (Headspace, Calm and recently Insight Timer). Quieting and centering helps start the day well. A small altar in the corner of the room helps to focus.

Gouache, watercolor, pen, iridescent gold ink.

Airport Surprise

On Friday night I was stuck in the Philadelphia airport, on a connecting flight from Vermont to North Carolina. All the flights kept being delayed, so instead of getting cranky, I decided to sketch the scene outside the window. I had just finished this sketch when I looked up to see a big jet labelled “The United States of America” landing on the runway. It was Air Force Two bringing VP Kamala Harris to Philadelphia to prep for Tuesday’s debate.

The Bittersweet End of Summer

How many of us feel a bit sad when Labor Day comes? Perhaps it’s the echo of all those years at school when we faced months of sitting at our desks all day. Or a wish that we had savored more of those long summer evenings. I sketched this while visiting a friend at her lakefront cottage. Like many of our summer memories, it is a bit idealized.