Belated Valentine

Thanks to everyone who suggested serious or whimsical titles for my abstract last week. Some of the funniest: “Potholder in process,” “It’s five o’clock somewhere,” and “Placemat after dinner and it’s time to clear the table.”

Isn’t it always a good day to express gratitude to those we care about?


I painted this in the fall, inspired by a neighbor’s bush and all the shades of the ripening blueberries. I post it now because having cataracts is like wearing amber sunglasses; after mine were removed last month, the blues especially seem more vivid.

New Eyes

Over the last three weeks I have had cataract surgery on both eyes at Chapel Hill Ophthamology. It’s amazing — the world is so much crisper and more colorful! The photo below is like my vision before and after; before, it was like looking through a used plastic glass, and now looking it’s like looking through real glass.

Below that photo is a painting of my current 16-color watercolor palette.